WPS History



Whetstone Primary School has enjoyed tremendous success as a beacon of academic excellence. This success has not materialised by accident. It has been through hard work and perseverance. The school opened in 1980 with 357 learners and 13 educators. In 1982 the first parent committee was appointed. In 1990 the new change rooms were opened. In 1997 the first SGB was appointed.

In 2004 the school underwent many changes, an assembly cover was erected, toilets tiled, new uniforms introduced and a refurbished library was opened. In 2009 the school was awarded the title of "Health Promoting School" by the Dept. of Health. In 2011 the school won the bronze award in the Batho Pele Service Excellence Awards. In 2012 Whetstone Primary School received the Ammen Award for Excellence on Education in Phoenix. In 2015, Whetstone Radio Station (WRS) was launched with weekly broadcasts. In 2016, the Dr N.V. Joseph School Hall was officially opened.

The school boasts its annual co-curricular successes in Reading Festival, Speech contests (winners in every grade), Debates (reached semi finals), Spelling Whizz, Library storytelling, Enviro Market Day, Science Expo, General Knowledge Quiz and Mathemagica.

The school offers excellence in the following codes of sport: swimming, mini cricket, volleyball, netball, chess, soccer, cross country, line dancing and table tennis.

The school believes that charity begins at home and thus adopted the following charities: Phoenix Poverty Reduction Association, Phoenix Child Welfare and Cuppa for Cancer. The school gives charity to learners in the form of food hampers, each one own one, blanket drives and the breakfast / lunch club.

Whetstone Primary prides itself in celebrating all events in grand style starting from the annual fundraising events: Fun Walk/Fete, Debutantes Ball and Market Days, to their annual special assemblies, sports day and Annual Awards Day.

Whetstone Primary currently has 662 learners enrolled with 20 educators on staff.